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The Temple of Heaven lies to the east outside the Zhengyang Gate

The Temple of Heaven lies to the east outside the Zhengyang Gate

The  Temple  of  Heaven  lies  to  

The Temple of Heaven lies to the east outside the Zhengyang Gate. It was the pla...

Is It Safe to Travel to China?The answer is definitely: YES.

Is It Safe to Travel to China?The answer is definitely: YES.

Many travelers, especially the women and family with kids may have a question: i...

Beijing Hutongs - The Qianshi Hutong

Beijing Hutongs - The Qianshi Hutong

When strolling in the Forbidden City or the Summer Palace, you can't help i...

Tiananmen Square - the Monument to the People's Heroes

Tiananmen Square - the Monument to the People's Heroes

Tiananmen Square is the geographical center of Beijing City. It is the largest c...

The Summer Palace, Yiheyuan in Chinese

The Summer Palace, Yiheyuan in Chinese

The Summer Palace, Yiheyuan in Chinese, is the most celebrated imperial garden i...

The Forbidden City, also named the Palace Museum

The Forbidden City, also named the Palace Museum

The Forbidden City, also named the Palace Museum, shares the honor of being one ...

Carved Red Lacquer Box with Dragons Frolicking in the Sea Design

Carved Red Lacquer Box with Dragons Frolicking in the Sea Design

Category:LacquerPeriod:Qing dynastyCarved Red Lacquer Box with Dragons Frolicki...

Notice on Improving the Palace Museum’s Timeslot-based Reservation Policy

Notice on Improving the Palace Museum’s Timeslot-based Reservation Policy

To maintain authenticity and integrity of culture relics within the Palace Museu...

The Palace Museum - the Forbidden City

The Palace Museum - the Forbidden City

The Palace Museum, former home to the 24 Ming and Qing emperors, is also known a...

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