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The Fu Jen University of Peking Period

The Fu Jen University of Peking Period

From the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937) to the early days of the foun...

Prince Kung’s Palace Prince Mansions in the Qing Dynasty

Prince Kung’s Palace Prince Mansions in the Qing Dynasty

The birth of the prince mansion system was closely related to the granting of no...

Summer Palace+ Photo stop at the Olympic Park+ Temple of heaven

Summer Palace+ Photo stop at the Olympic Park+ Temple of heaven


Private walking tour to the old Hutongs and Lama temple

Private walking tour to the old Hutongs and Lama temple


Private Walking Tour to the Summer Palace

Private Walking Tour to the Summer Palace

The Summer Palace, the imperial garden of the Qing Dynasty in China, formerly kn...

Private Walking Tour to the temple of heaven

Private Walking Tour to the temple of heaven

You would left your hotel by public bus, subway or other means to the Temple of ...

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