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Yonghegong Lama Temple lies at the northeastern corner of Beijing

Yonghegong Lama Temple lies at the northeastern corner of Beijing

12. Yonghegong Lama TempleYonghegong Lama Temple lies at the northeastern corner...

Integral protection of the Great Wall

Integral protection of the Great Wall

Today, sheep herding is still the main source of income for farmers at the foot ...

Current state of conservation

Current state of conservation

Many sections of the Great Wall are in a state of disrepair and urgently need re...

The enclosure of the Great Wall

The enclosure of the Great Wall

Juyongguan Pass [Photo by Yang Dong, provided to]The Great Wal...

The spirit of the Great Wall

The spirit of the Great Wall

The recent interpretation of the spirit of the Great Wall mainly covers three as...

The Temple of Heaven lies to the east outside the Zhengyang Gate

The Temple of Heaven lies to the east outside the Zhengyang Gate

The  Temple  of  Heaven  lies  to  

The Temple of Heaven lies to the east outside the Zhengyang Gate. It was the pla...

Hall of Imperial Zenith - Divine Music Administration

Hall of Imperial Zenith - Divine Music Administration

The Hall of Imperial Zenith was the Vault of Heaven of the Altar of Praying for ...

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