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Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihe dian)

Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihe dian)

The Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihe dian) is the most dignified building in the F...

Hall of the Supreme Principle (Taiji dian)

Hall of the Supreme Principle (Taiji dian)

Upon its completion in the Ming dyansty (1368-1644), the Hall of the Supreme Pri...

Palace of Eternal Spring (Changchun gong)

Palace of Eternal Spring (Changchun gong)

The Palace of Eternal Spring (Changchun gong) is one of the Six Western Palaces,...

Palace of Earthly Honor (Yikun gong)

Palace of Earthly Honor (Yikun gong)

Built in 1417, Palace of Earthly Honor (Yikun gong) was originally named Palace ...

Palace of Longevity and Health (Shoukang gong)

Palace of Longevity and Health (Shoukang gong)

Construction of the Palace of Longevity and Health took place from December 1735...

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