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A patterned-tile roof (huawa ding)

A patterned-tile roof (huawa ding)

A patterned-tile roof (huawa ding) is a type of wall cap commonly found in tradi...

The Fu Jen University of Peking Period

The Fu Jen University of Peking Period

From the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937) to the early days of the foun...

Prince Qing's Mansion Period

Prince Qing's Mansion Period

From the fourth year of the Jiaqing reign (1799) to the 30th year of the Daoguan...

Heshen's Residence Period Princess Hexiao's Mansion (Heshen's Residence)

Heshen's Residence Period Princess Hexiao's Mansion (Heshen's Residence)

Princess Hexiao's Mansion (Heshen's Residence)From the 45th year of the ...

Prince Kung’s Palace Prince Mansions in the Qing Dynasty

Prince Kung’s Palace Prince Mansions in the Qing Dynasty

The birth of the prince mansion system was closely related to the granting of no...

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