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Half-a-day Tour (Plan A) 1. The Meridian Gate (Wu men)

Half-a-day Tour (Plan A)

Half-a-day Tour (Plan A) 1. The Meridian Gate (Wu men)(图1)

1. The Meridian Gate (Wu men)

2. "Painting and Calligraphy Gallery"

Hall of Martial Valor (Wuying dian)

or "The Ceramics Gallery"

Hall of Literary Brilliance (Wenhua dian)

3. Gate of Supreme Harmony (Taihe men)

4. Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihe dian)

5. Hall of Central Harmony (Zhonghe dian)

6. Hall of Preserving Harmony (Baohe dian)

7. "Hall of Clocks"

Hall for Ancestral Worship (Fengxian dian)

or "Treasure Gallery, Gallery of Qing Imperial Opera"

The Palace of Tranquil Longevity Sector (Ningshougong qu)

8. Palace of Heavenly Purity (Qianqing gong)

9. Hall of Union (Jiaotai dian)

10. Palace of Earthly Tranquility (Kunning gong)

11. Hall of Mental Cultivation (Yangxin dian)

12. Area of Six Western Palaces or Area of Six Eastern Palaces

13. Imperial Garden (Yu huayuan)

14. Gate of Divine Prowess (Shenwu men)

Half-a-day Tour (Plan B)

Half-a-day Tour (Plan A) 1. The Meridian Gate (Wu men)(图2)

1. Meridian Gate (Wu men)

2. Hall of Martial Valor (Wuying dian): Painting and Calligraphy Gallery

3. Gate of Supreme Harmony (Taihe men)

4. Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihe dian)

5. Hall of Central Harmony (Zhonghe dian)

6. Hall of Preserving Harmony (Baohe dian)

7. Palace of Heavenly Purity (Qianqing gong)

8. Hall of Union (Jiaotai dian)

9. Palace of Earthly Tranquility (Kunning gong)

10. Area of Six Eastern Palaces (Dong liugong qu)

11. Hall for Abstinence (Zhai gong)

12. Outer Court of Palace of the Tranquil Longevity Sector (Ningshougong qu): Treasure Gallery and Stone Drum Gallery

13. Inner Court of Palace of the Tranquil Longevity Sector (Ningshougong qu): Treasure Gallery, Opera Gallery, and the Well of Consort Zhen (Zhenfei jing)

14. Gate of Divine Prowess (Shenwu men)

One-day Tour

Half-a-day Tour (Plan A) 1. The Meridian Gate (Wu men)(图3)

1. The Meridian Gate(Wu men)

2. "Painting and Calligraphy Gallery"

Hall of Martial Valor (Wuying dian)

3. "Ceramics Gallery"

Hall of Literary Brilliance (Wenhua dian)

4. Gate of Supreme Harmony (Taihe men)

5. Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihe dian)

6. Hall of Central Harmony (Zhonghe dian)

7. Hall of Preserving Harmony (Baohe dian)

8. Palace of Heavenly Purity (Qianqing gong)

9. Hall of Union (Jiaotai dian)

10. Palace of Earthly Tranquility (Kunning gong)

11. Hall of Mental Cultivation (Yangxin dian)

12. Area of Six Western Palaces

13. Imperial Garden (Yu huayuan)

14. Area of Six Eastern Palaces

15. "Hall of Clocks"

Hall for Ancestral Worship (Fengxian dian)

16. "The Treasure Gallery, Gallery of Qing Imperial Opera"

Area of Palace of Tranquil Longevity (Ningshou gong)

17. Gate of Divine Prowess (Shenwu men)

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