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Beijing Hutongs - The Qianshi Hutong

Beijing Hutongs - The Qianshi Hutong

When strolling in the Forbidden City or the Summer Palace, you can't help i...

Tiananmen Square - the Monument to the People's Heroes

Tiananmen Square - the Monument to the People's Heroes

Tiananmen Square is the geographical center of Beijing City. It is the largest c...

The Temple of Heaven (also Tiantan Park)  Altar of Prayer for Good Harvest  Circular Mound Altar

The Temple of Heaven (also Tiantan Park) Altar of Prayer for Good Harvest Circular Mound Altar

The Temple of Heaven (also Tiantan Park) is the grandest cult architecture compl...

The Summer Palace, Yiheyuan in Chinese

The Summer Palace, Yiheyuan in Chinese

The Summer Palace, Yiheyuan in Chinese, is the most celebrated imperial garden i...

Great Wall of China - Badaling Great Wall  Mutianyu  Jinshanling  Simatai  Juyongguan

Great Wall of China - Badaling Great Wall Mutianyu Jinshanling Simatai Juyongguan

A Chinese saying goes that He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true...

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